Exercises That Are Beneficial for Wound Care Patients

It’s safe to say that individuals seeking treatment for diabetic foot ulcers are not the most disciplined when it comes to lifestyle choices. The declining quality of life that affects many people with diabetes can be directly connected to the lack of exercise.

Exercise not only helps your body stay more vital and healthy which can aid physically, but exercise is also important for the mental state of mind which again reflects on our physical body and health.

Also, exercise has proven to lower blood glucose levels which directly benefits patients with diabetes. However, exercise alone cannot solve the underlying problem. This takes more effort which includes lowering calories and adjusting your nutrition.

Which exercises are suitable for patients with chronic wounds?

The most important thing to probably be aware of is to perform exercises that do not put too much weight or pressure on the places where the wound is located. Also to be careful not to perform exercises which might result in wound tearing, or damaging and displacing the dressing of the wound.

So we’ve compiled a short list of exercises which individuals with diabetes and/or chronic wounds can safely do on their own time, or with a trained instructor.

  • Pilates

 Pilates emphasizes core strength building, balance stretching and flexibility. Pilates can either be done by stretching and performing movements by yourself, or use machines that replicate these movements.

  • Strength Training

According to the American Diabetes Association strength training is one of the most effective types of training for people with diabetes. However it’,s important to remember to use light weights or to exercise using basic calisthenics such as lunges, sit-ups or planks. The risk of injury in these types of exercises is low and they can be performed safely.

  • Arm and Leg Lifts

 A simple but effective exercise which requires you to lift your arms as high as possible and hold them in a steady position for about 90 seconds. The leg lift requires you to elevate the limb up to the hip joint and hold it there for a few seconds.

  • Combined training

A good idea can be to do all types of exercises in a combined training. For example, pilates 10 minutes, strength training, 15 minutes and brisk walking for 15 minutes. This can give great results as there are all types of exercises included.

These are just some general tips to give you an idea of the direction in which you can go. However, it’s always best to consult with a physician or doctor to see what kind of exercise can work out best for you.

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